Author Archives: admin

Hydrate curve calculations in flotools

flotools 1.4.2 added support for calculating hydrate curves based on three different methods: Method Inputs Outputs Sloan Gas specific gravity & pressure Hydrate formation temperature Motiee Gas specific gravity & pressure Hydrate formation temperature Bahadori and Vuthaluru Gas composition & temperature Hydrate formation pressure Sloan The Sloan correlation calculates hydrate formation temperature by the following…

What’s new in flotools 1.4

flotools 1.4 represents a major improvement in plot viewing and editing that addresses a number of pain points and feedback items we’ve received over the past few months.  We’ve carefully redesigned the experience to make it easier than ever for flow assurance engineers to create and export report-ready plots.  This post describes the following significant…

Introducing Plot Matrix

Plot Matrix is an evoleap twist on the existing plot template concept available in the OLGA GUI. flotools’ Plot Matrix feature provides a visual, interactive interface that allows users to quickly multiply a plot (or set of plots) across cases, variables, branches, and positions.  Once multiplied, the interface allows for quick screening and qualitative comparisons…